jafka troubleshooting


通过 jafka-watch 查看当前topic 及相应的consumer 情况,发现总有许多topic的某些partition 分片居然没有consumer 去消费。


  1. 刚开始认为是不是有的消费者没有连接上,于是把所有消费者都重新启动了一遍

  2. 重新启动完了以后,部分topic的所有分片是都有消费者消费,但某些topic还是存在分片没有人消费的情况。

  3. 确认所有消费者都在zookeeper的节点上注册了,于是怀疑 jafka 的 客户端的负载均衡算法有问题。


private boolean rebalance(Cluster cluster) {

    // map for current consumer: topic->[groupid-consumer-0,groupid-consumer-1,...,groupid-consumer-N]
    // 获取当前进程的消费者
    Map<String, Set<String>> myTopicThreadIdsMap = ZkUtils.getTopicCount(zkClient, group, consumerIdString)

    // map for all consumers in this group: topic->[groupid-consumer1-0,...,groupid-consumerX-N]
    // 获取当前group的所有消费者,会根据名称进行排序
    Map<String, List<String>> consumersPerTopicMap = ZkUtils.getConsumersPerTopic(zkClient, group);
    // map for all broker-partitions for the topics in this consumerid: topic->[brokerid0-partition0,...,brokeridN-partitionN]
    // 获取该topic的所有分片信息
    Map<String, List<String>> brokerPartitionsPerTopicMap = ZkUtils.getPartitionsForTopics(zkClient,
     * fetchers must be stopped to avoid data duplication, since if the current
     * rebalancing attempt fails, the partitions that are released could be owned by
     * another consumer. But if we don't stop the fetchers first, this consumer would
     * continue returning data for released partitions in parallel. So, not stopping
     * the fetchers leads to duplicate data.
    closeFetchers(cluster, messagesStreams, myTopicThreadIdsMap);
    Map<StringTuple, String> partitionOwnershipDecision = new HashMap<StringTuple, String>();
    Pool<String, Pool<Partition, PartitionTopicInfo>> currentTopicRegistry = new Pool<String, Pool<Partition, PartitionTopicInfo>>();

    // 分配核心算法
    for (Map.Entry<String, Set<String>> e : myTopicThreadIdsMap.entrySet()) {
        final String topic = e.getKey();
        currentTopicRegistry.put(topic, new Pool<Partition, PartitionTopicInfo>());
        ZkGroupTopicDirs topicDirs = new ZkGroupTopicDirs(group, topic);
        List<String> curConsumers = consumersPerTopicMap.get(topic);
        List<String> curBrokerPartitions = brokerPartitionsPerTopicMap.get(topic);

        // 每个消费者消费的分片数
        // 如果只有一个消费者线程,也可以消费所有分片
        final int nPartsPerConsumer = curBrokerPartitions.size() / curConsumers.size();
        final int nConsumersWithExtraPart = curBrokerPartitions.size() % curConsumers.size();

        logger.info("Consumer " + consumerIdString + " rebalancing the following partitions:\n    " + curBrokerPartitions + "\nfor topic " + topic + " with consumers:\n    " + curConsumers);
        if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) {
            StringBuilder buf = new StringBuilder(1024);
            buf.append("[").append(topic).append("] preassigning details:");
            for (int i = 0; i < curConsumers.size(); i++) {
                final int startPart = nPartsPerConsumer * i + Math.min(i, nConsumersWithExtraPart);
                final int nParts = nPartsPerConsumer + ((i + 1 > nConsumersWithExtraPart) ? 0 : 1);
                if (nParts > 0) {
                    for (int m = startPart; m < startPart + nParts; m++) {
                        buf.append("\n    ").append(curConsumers.get(i)).append(" ==> ")

        //consumerThreadId=> groupid_consumerid-index (index from count)
        for (String consumerThreadId : e.getValue()) {
            // 消费的分片与当前消费者线程id 在 所有消费线程id的index有关
            final int myConsumerPosition = curConsumers.indexOf(consumerThreadId);
            assert (myConsumerPosition >= 0);
            final int startPart = nPartsPerConsumer * myConsumerPosition + Math.min(myConsumerPosition,
            final int nParts = nPartsPerConsumer + ((myConsumerPosition + 1 > nConsumersWithExtraPart) ? 0 : 1);

             * Range-partition the sorted partitions to consumers for better locality.
             * The first few consumers pick up an extra partition, if any.
            if (nParts <= 0) {
                logger.warn("No broker partitions consumed by consumer thread " + consumerThreadId + " for topic " + topic);
            } else {
                for (int i = startPart; i < startPart + nParts; i++) {
                    String brokerPartition = curBrokerPartitions.get(i);
                    logger.info("[" + consumerThreadId + "] ==> " + brokerPartition + " claimming");
                    addPartitionTopicInfo(currentTopicRegistry, topicDirs, brokerPartition, topic,
                    // record the partition ownership decision
                    partitionOwnershipDecision.put(new StringTuple(topic, brokerPartition), consumerThreadId);
     * move the partition ownership here, since that can be used to indicate a truly
     * successful rebalancing attempt A rebalancing attempt is completed successfully
     * only after the fetchers have been started correctly
    if (reflectPartitionOwnershipDecision(partitionOwnershipDecision)) {
        logger.debug("Updating the cache");
        logger.debug("Partitions per topic cache " + brokerPartitionsPerTopicMap);
        logger.debug("Consumers per topic cache " + consumersPerTopicMap);
        topicRegistry = currentTopicRegistry;
        updateFetcher(cluster, messagesStreams);
        return true;
    } else {
        return false;

4.配置jafka 的logger 信息为INFO 状态, 发现居然返回的topic 消费者列表比实际存在的数量还多。

5.难道是zookeeper 的配置信息出错,于是遍历所有zookeeper 服务器,获取消费者列表。发现其中一台zookeeper 服务器的数据居然与 其它zookeeper服务器数据不一致,于是坑爹了。 zookeeper 这个号称提供 数据一致性 服务的东东,居然还能出现数据不一致的bug.