
LinkedHashMap 是 Map 接口的哈希表和链接列表实现,具有可预知的迭代顺序。此实现与 HashMap 的不同之处在于,后者维护着一个运行于所有条目的双重链接列表。此链接列表定义了迭代顺序,该迭代顺序通常就是将键插入到映射中的顺序(插入顺序)。
注意,如果在映射中重新插入 键,则插入顺序不受影响。


 * The head of the doubly linked list.
// 双向链接的头指针
private transient Entry<K,V> header;

 * The iteration ordering method for this linked hash map: <tt>true</tt>
 * for access-order, <tt>false</tt> for insertion-order.
 * @serial
// 迭代的排序方式:设置为true则按访问顺序,否则按插入顺序
private final boolean accessOrder;


 * Constructs an empty <tt>LinkedHashMap</tt> instance with the
 * specified initial capacity, load factor and ordering mode.
 * @param  initialCapacity the initial capacity
 * @param  loadFactor      the load factor
 * @param  accessOrder     the ordering mode - <tt>true</tt> for
 *         access-order, <tt>false</tt> for insertion-order
 * @throws IllegalArgumentException if the initial capacity is negative
 *         or the load factor is nonpositive
public LinkedHashMap(int initialCapacity,
                     float loadFactor,
                     boolean accessOrder) {
    super(initialCapacity, loadFactor);
    this.accessOrder = accessOrder;

 * Called by superclass constructors and pseudoconstructors (clone,
 * readObject) before any entries are inserted into the map.  Initializes
 * the chain.
// 被父类HashMap的构造函数调用
void init() {
    // 初始化双向链接的头指针
    header = new Entry<K,V>(-1, null, null, null);
    header.before = header.after = header;


添加了before,after 两个引用,用来构造双向链表

 * LinkedHashMap entry.
private static class Entry<K,V> extends HashMap.Entry<K,V> {
    // These fields comprise the doubly linked list used for iteration.
    Entry<K,V> before, after;

    Entry(int hash, K key, V value, HashMap.Entry<K,V> next) {
        super(hash, key, value, next);

     * Removes this entry from the linked list.
    // 从双向链表中移除
    private void remove() {
        before.after = after;
        after.before = before;

     * Inserts this entry before the specified existing entry in the list.
    private void addBefore(Entry<K,V> existingEntry) {
        after  = existingEntry;
        before = existingEntry.before;
        before.after = this;
        after.before = this;

     * This method is invoked by the superclass whenever the value
     * of a pre-existing entry is read by Map.get or modified by Map.set.
     * If the enclosing Map is access-ordered, it moves the entry
     * to the end of the list; otherwise, it does nothing.
    // Override了父类的recordAccess方法,用来记录访问顺序
    void recordAccess(HashMap<K,V> m) {
        LinkedHashMap<K,V> lm = (LinkedHashMap<K,V>)m;
        if (lm.accessOrder) {
            // 添加到链表的头部之前(即末尾)
            // put 方法修改会引起顺序的变更

    void recordRemoval(HashMap<K,V> m) {


 * This override alters behavior of superclass put method. It causes newly
 * allocated entry to get inserted at the end of the linked list and
 * removes the eldest entry if appropriate.
void addEntry(int hash, K key, V value, int bucketIndex) {
    createEntry(hash, key, value, bucketIndex);

    // Remove eldest entry if instructed, else grow capacity if appropriate
    // 根据方法判断是否移除最老的元素,如果返回true,可以实现一个简单的LRUCache
    Entry<K,V> eldest = header.after;
    if (removeEldestEntry(eldest)) {
    } else {
        // 大小超过threshold,进行rehash 扩容
        if (size >= threshold)
            resize(2 * table.length);

 * This override differs from addEntry in that it doesn't resize the
 * table or remove the eldest entry.
void createEntry(int hash, K key, V value, int bucketIndex) {
    HashMap.Entry<K,V> old = table[bucketIndex];
    Entry<K,V> e = new Entry<K,V>(hash, key, value, old);
    table[bucketIndex] = e;
    // 创建一个entry,并添加到双向链表的末尾

protected boolean removeEldestEntry(Map.Entry<K,V> eldest) {
    return false;

可以重写 removeEldestEntry(Map.Entry) 方法来实施策略,以便在将新映射关系添加到映射时自动移除旧的映射关系。
示例用法:此重写允许映射增加到 100 个条目,然后每次添加新条目时删除最旧的条目,始终维持 100 个条目的稳定状态。

private static final int MAX_ENTRIES = 100;

protected boolean removeEldestEntry(Map.Entry eldest) {
   return size() > MAX_ENTRIES;


 * Transfers all entries to new table array.  This method is called
 * by superclass resize.  It is overridden for performance, as it is
 * faster to iterate using our linked list.
void transfer(HashMap.Entry[] newTable) {
    // 由于记录了双向链表,遍历所有entry变得更加简单
    int newCapacity = newTable.length;
    for (Entry<K,V> e = header.after; e != header; e = e.after) {
        int index = indexFor(e.hash, newCapacity); = newTable[index];
        newTable[index] = e;


private abstract class LinkedHashIterator<T> implements Iterator<T> {
    // 第一次next元素 是 header.after
    Entry<K,V> nextEntry    = header.after;
    Entry<K,V> lastReturned = null;

     * The modCount value that the iterator believes that the backing
     * List should have.  If this expectation is violated, the iterator
     * has detected concurrent modification.
    int expectedModCount = modCount;

    public boolean hasNext() {
        return nextEntry != header;

    public void remove() {
        if (lastReturned == null)
            throw new IllegalStateException();
        if (modCount != expectedModCount)
            throw new ConcurrentModificationException();

        lastReturned = null;
        expectedModCount = modCount;

    Entry<K,V> nextEntry() {
        if (modCount != expectedModCount)
            throw new ConcurrentModificationException();
        if (nextEntry == header)
            throw new NoSuchElementException();

        // 通过迭代链表的指针进行遍历
        Entry<K,V> e = lastReturned = nextEntry;
        nextEntry = e.after;
        return e;

private class EntryIterator extends LinkedHashIterator<Map.Entry<K,V>> {
    public Map.Entry<K,V> next() { return nextEntry(); }